"I will reveal, Secrets with regards to going out to sea, not usually talked about,
Absolutely FREE"

All you have to do is tell me what issues you are facing!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning to go out to sea, for a Cruise or for work?
Because if you do...Then this might be totally worth your time.

Here's why:

If I told you that you can get your hands on the Most Simple to follow Pre-sea Guide...that covers almost everything you want to know about going out to sea, absolutely FREE.

Do you think that would be worth 3 minutes of your time?

Let's see what I mean:

I am a Master Mariner or Ship's Captain, who has been out at sea for the past 24 years. I have had many newcomers ask me questions about life at sea with its various challenges.

Some of these questions are:

How do you overcome seasickness? How does the ship actually move? How do you maintain your balance when the ship rolls and pitches? etc. etc.

Now, I got about thinking that others might benefit from such knowledge, that I have gained from my years out at sea.

This is what you will find in the FREE guide?

1) How to avoid sea-sickness?

2) Basics of a ship? Port Starboard, etc...

3) What to look for when you get onto a ship or boat?

4) How to stay safe on a ship or boat...

and much more...

And, I am anxious to know...

Would such a Guide be helpful to YOU?

Here's what I'm offering:

If you give me 3 minutes of your time and tell me your most important challenges about going out to sea, (even if you have never been out and are afraid of something in the vast Blue yonder) in return I'll gratefully send you the guide, as soon as I have it completed - absolutely FREE!

How does that sound?

The e-book will be yours, no strings attached. My way of saying thanks for taking the time to tell me your concerns.

So, Just click on any of the Green buttons to continue further...
And I will see you on the other side.

Warm Regards,

Capt. Kneller Fernandes

About me

CAPT. Kneller Fernandes

Started his sea career in 1994. Has sailed as Master Mariner (ship's Captain) for the past 8 years.

He has visited most of the world on ships of various sizes. 

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